new treatment: healing the systems of the body

The workings of the human body systems

In all my reading and research and working with mentors that are ME/CFS specialists I am realizing that today’s medicine, the western orthodox kind, has grown to be very limited and refuses to acknowledge that the body especially to be able to treat complex diseases (diseases that fall in between the cracks) needs to be viewed through the inter-workings of systems in the body not just the treatment of symptoms. ME/CFS is that illness. The one that is complex, falls in between the cracks of “normal medicine”. It is ME/CFS that keeps us going from one specialist to the next only to be faced with confused or bored faces of doctors that don’t know how to treatment what we have or merely just don’t care to know. We need to insist and visit doctors that have open minds to incorporate the functional medicine (study of systems in the body and how they interact).

I spoke before how I came across Dr. Jacob Teiltelbaum in reading one of his books and began taking his supplements and vitamins on a regular basis from which I hav\

e felt some improvement. Motivated to continue on this way of treating ME/CFS I went to see a doctor who studied with Dr. Teitelbaum, Dr. Dean Mitchell at the Mitchell Clinic in Manhattan. There I received a new treatment which built on the supplements and vitamins I was already taking. Dr. Mitchell started me on 9 IV’s of vitamin treatment over 11 weeks. The IV’s included essential vitamins and minerals like magnesium, calcium, Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, thiamin, riboflavin, niacinamide, B5, L-Carnitine, Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NADH), Glutathione, Sodium Bicarb and Lidocaine. All of the above were targeted at specific systems that may be malfunctioning to cause us to have ME/CFS. These systems include the immune system and digestive system. I was also injected with immune globulin infections which can be used to treat bacteria and viral infections that do not respond to other therapies. Finally, and most challenging of all Dr. Mitchell also had me follow the Candida Free diet (one of the most difficult diets to follow and given candida free drops to take daily.)

I am currently on week 7 of my treatment and feel slightly better.

I find these treatments very challenging. I never know whether I am really unto something in all my research or just chasing a pipe dream. Will the tons of time, energy and money spent on each the research pay off and help me or will the treatment hurt me. It seems like with each treatment there are stories about people who have done a portion and all of the treatment and recovered right away. I am not one of those people, at best my energy improves by several percentage points at worst I fall into another awful day. But the hope of finding a way to heal provides me with the motivation to carry on and begin exploring yet another form of treatment until hopefully one day I will have the energy I need to get back to working and playing and enjoying my life to the fullest. I always work hard to believe that I need to take things into my own hands and it is up to me to find the treatment or treatments and not to wait for a doctor to show up and give me the treatment that will heal me. In some ways I feel empowered by this but then there are those bad days. On these days I hide under my pillows and lie in bed with headaches and other symptoms hoping that I will find the energy to rise and explore my next treatment.

Disclaimer: Please note that the opinions, treatments, and doctors that I list above worked for me. Please consult with your doctor before you follow any of the above.

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