anger aggravates my ME/CFS symptoms

I am as familiar with anger as with anxiety and fear. I have felt furious at having acquired this illness and how it has taken over me life. Angry at going from doctor to doctor and not having them know what ME/CFS. Angry at the blank faces that I see when I say I have ME/CFS to friends and family. Angry at people who don’t believe me. Angry because there are hardly any well proven treatments and there is no cure for this illness.

Recently, our usual feelings of anger have been compound COVID-19. Angry at being shut into our apartments not because of illness but because the government says so. Angry as we wonder why this COVID -19 pandemic; and how the global community has to deal with it. Angry that the federal government rather than helping us fight the COVID -19 has been obstructive in insisting we take medication which has not been proven to be effective and not FDA approved; angry at the lack of involvement of the federal government and president not offering a plan to follow or any sort of realistic guide lines.

Angry because another black man has been killed by the police. Angry at the police brutality found on a daily basis (although we do not hear about it) toward the black people.

Be thankful for the struggles you go through.
They make you stronger, wiser, and humble.
Don’t let them break you let them make you.

web site on anger and ME/CFS

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